Styling configuration
Styling Configuration is a text styling editor in the Showreel editor. Adjust default text settings in the Styling Configuration editor so they appear in clip and transition slide text overlay.
Styling Configuration settings only apply to clips and transition slides made after the settings are saved. They do not apply to clips and transitions made before the settings are saved.
To make Default Styling Configuration settings:
1. In the showreel editor, click Settings and select Styling to access the editor.
2. In the Default Styling Configuration modal, select defaults for the showreel text overlay:
- Font — Select a font. Ariel font is default.
- Font Size — Select a font size. Type in a value between 20-100 or use the up and down arrows. Size 40 font is default.
- Text Colour — Select a text color using the color picker or type in the color hex code. White text color is default.
- Background — Select a text background color using the color picker or type in the color hex code. Black text background color is default.
- Transparency — Select text background color transparency. 100% transparency is default, alternatives are 50% and 0% transparency.
3. Click Save.