Correcting bounced contacts and resending email invitations

After your survey is launched and your email invitations have been sent, some of the emails may bounce. A bounce is an email that is returned to you because it cannot be delivered for some reason.

These bounced emails are automatically registered in your contacts. The status of the contact changes to 'bounced'. If an email was bounced because the email address was misspelled, you can correct this email address and send a new email invitation.

For an overview of all possible types and subtypes of bounces, see Bounce types and subtypes.

If an email address bounced because it was wrong or contained a typing error, you can correct it and resend your invitation by following these steps:

  1. Open your survey.
  2. Click Bounced in the survey overview.

    Bounced percentage.

  3. Click the pencil icon next to the status Bounced. The detailed bounce reason appears in a new window.

    Correct email address.

  4. Correct the email address.

    New email address.

  5. Click Update and resend.

    Update and resend.

The contact status will change to "Included" and a new invitation will be sent automatically to this contact.