Adding emojis to email invitations and surveys

You can add emojis to surveys, use them as answer options for certain question types (e.g., a rating scale), and add them in email invitations (e.g., to embed the first question).

Emojis are handled the same way as regular text and appear properly in email engines. You do not have to import them into your media library, which you would have to do if you want to add media media files to survey questions.

Note: Emojis are treated differently on each device and each operating system. See Get Emoji to see the different views when searching for a specific emoji as well as the instances where an emoji doesn't work on all devices yet.

Adding emojis to answer options

  1. Open your survey and add a new question.
  2. Copy the emoji you want to use from Get Emoji and paste it into the answer options field.
  3. Click Save.

By default, the emoji will be small. You can fix that by changing the font size. To do this for answer options, add the following html: <p style="font-size:xxpx; line-height:1">insert emoji here</p>

Change the 'xx' to the desired font size (e.g., 30px or 50px).

Adding emojis to questions

Complete the steps in Adding emojis to answer options but paste the emoji into the Question box. To change the font size for questions, first click < > to open the source code box.

Adding emojis to email invitations

Tip: Embedding survey questions requires some HTML knowledge. It is recommended to always start from an embedded survey template. You can adjust the first question in the survey as well as in the email invitation so that emoji are used instead of text. Make sure to start with a survey template that has the same amount of answer options in the first question as you would like to use in your email to reduce the amount of editing involved.
  1. Create a new survey from a template, making sure to select the desired embedded template.
  2. Edit the first question and add the emoji.

  3. Open the email invitation.

  4. Copy the emoji from the survey question and paste it into the embedded question.
  5. Click Save.