Best practices for conducting surveys
Online surveys are one of the most powerful and cost-effective internet marketing instruments available, based on speed and ease of use. Prepare these surveys by taking time to design and write questions that yield valid and clear results.
The following are some best practices for online surveys.
Define a business objective
Define the goal of the survey and what you want to learn from it. Consider the audience and what their interests are, which will determine what questions will be effective.
Then contact a few people you plan to include in the survey. Tell them what you're trying to accomplish and ask for their input.
Brainstorm questions
With a web-based interface, it is easy to generate a list of questions. It is recommended that you convene a small panel of colleagues to brainstorm a list of questions that prompts answers relevant to your objective.
Construct a conversation
Group your questions into a beginning, a middle, and an end. Start with simple, broad questions. Then funnel down to specifics. If possible, include some questions that will make your respondents think. Include demographic questions — what you're trying to find out — at the end of your survey (name, company, function, marketing budget, etc.).
Think of your survey as a conversation. You want respondents to respond to the entire survey. That means you have to listen to each response. Each question should flow from the answer to the question before it. Group questions into sections and use the 'heading' question type to tell your respondents what you are doing. For instance: 'Web Use – Now we're going to ask you a few questions about your online experience'.
Test your survey prior to launching
Testing your e-mail invitation and survey before you launch.