Survey QR codes
You can add QR codes to flyers, posters, or ads, all of which lead to your survey. You can find the QR code for every survey on the Distribute page and you can even specify the size. You can also generate a QR code that automatically links to your survey. People who scan this code will be taken directly to the survey.
Activating the distribution channel
Open your survey.
Select Distribution > Add / Remove channel.
- Select Web or Paper.
Select URL/Social media.
Click Save.
Generating the QR code
- Open your survey.
Select Distribution > Add / Remove channel.
- Select Web or Paper.
- Select Survey URL.
- Select the QR tab.
Click Generate.
Download the generated QR code and place it, for example, on a poster, flyer, or letter. People can scan the QR code using the camera app of their smartphone to be taken to the survey.
Scanning the QR with a smartphone
- On your Android or iOS phone or tablet, open the built-in camera app.
- Point the camera at the QR code.
- Tap the banner that appears to go to the survey.
QR code with querystring parameters
- In the Distribution overview, select Survey URL.
Select the QR code tab.
Click Generate to generate the QR code and short URL.
- You will see the QR code and the short URL. If your survey has more than one language, the QR code for a specific language or the language selection page will be shown when selecting the language in the dropdown menu.
- In the box where the short URL is shown, type in your querystring parameters. Start with a question mark '?' between the short URL and your querysting parameter. For example, [ShortURL]?[QuerystringParameter]
- Press the button on the right hand side to generate your custom QR code. You will notice the QR code changes.
- Right click the QR code image to save it.
Excel QR code builder file
If you need to make multiple QR codes for different locations, departments, or people, use our Excel QR code builder file.
- Download the Excel template.
- Enter the short URL in the top cell.
- Enter the locations, departments, or people in the first column.
The file will automatically generate short URLS and QR codes for each row