Managing users

Warning: This feature is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Minimal support is available.

Add, edit, and delete users on the User Management screen. To access this feature, click the menu in the top-left corner and select User Management.

Accessing User Management.

To delete a user, click the delete icon to the right of the user details. You cannot delete yourself.

To change a user's password, click the key icon to the right of the user details and follow the prompts on the pop-ups that appear.

To add a new user, click Add User in the top right corner of the User Management screen and enter user details, described below.

Add User.

Enter information in the pop-up and click Save Changes. Once a user has been added, that user receives an email with a password.

Add User properties.

Name (1)
User's full name.
Email Address (2)
User's email address. Every user is required to have a unique email address, and email addresses cannot be duplicated.
Phone Number (3)
User's full phone number that can be used for contact purposes.
User Role (4)
Select from the list of roles. Each user must be assigned a role, which then defines individual access levels. User roles are as follows:
  • Analyst — User can review collected feedback, feedback reports, dashboard, and Experience Optimizer.

  • CX Manager and CX Group Manager — User has the same access as an analyst as well as the ability to configure rules, create and remove surveys, and perform all other actions in Experience Cloud.

  • System Administrator — User has the same access as CX Manager and CX Group Manager but can also control and edit user settings.

Data Access Filter (5)

Optional setting that allows administrators to restrict data access for users and provides a way to protect sensitive data. Once data access rules, which are generated and managed in Rule Engine, are applied, every report and data point that users view is filtered by those access rules.