(9.5+) Configuring the Messagebus/PTK heartbeat timeout

In version 9.5.3, we introduced a configurable timeout to establish a heartbeat between Platform Toolkit (PTK) and Messagebus. This can help to solve latency issues when PTK restarts. To configure the timeout, follow the steps below:

  1. Back up and edit the PTK web.config file (located at \Virtual Hold Technology\VirtualHoldPub\VHTPlatformWS-v5 by default).
  2. Within the <MessageBus> element, which is inside the <vhtCommunication> element, add the heartbeatInitializationTimeoutMS property.
  3. Set the new heartbeatInitializationTimeoutMS property to your desired timeout value, in milliseconds.


    <PlatformRequest timeoutSeconds="10.0" />
    <MessageBus ipAddress="" port="2136" name="VHTMessageBus" connectAttempts="5" 
heartbeatInitializationTimeoutMS="500" retryWaitTimeMS="50" timeoutSeconds="10.0" heartbeatPeriodSeconds="10" />