Callback Fate Codes
InFate codes
- InFate codes are the IVR responses for an inbound call.
- Codes for historical calls are stored in the QDump table of the VHT_RPT database.
Click to view InFate codes
The following table lists InFate codes and their meanings.
InFate code | Short description | Detailed description |
I50 | Abandon | The caller hung up while listening to the callback options. |
I51 | NotTreatedByVH | The call was sent back to the PBX/ACD on the under threshold (non-treated) route point for the PBX/ACD to route the call. This happens any time Callback does not treat a call. |
I52 | Purge/QspkRte2Q | The caller was routed to a holding queue when Callback was in Purge, QSpeak, or RapidPurge operation mode. |
I55 | OtherModeRte2Q | The caller was routed to a holding queue when Callback was in an operation mode other than those mentioned in this section. |
I56 | SentToIVR | The caller was routed to the inbound IVR. |
I57 | DateBkDisc | The caller was disconnected due to reaching the maximum number of invalid responses when Callback was in Date Book operation mode. |
I58 | CBDC Xfer2PrQ | Callback DoubleCheck was invoked. Callback was preparing to make a callback when the same caller called again. Callback transferred the caller to the priority queue and canceled the callback. |
I59 | CBDC KpCBDisc | Callback DoubleCheck was invoked. The caller chose to keep the pending callback request and disconnected the call. |
I60 | CBDCCncCBXfer2Q | Callback DoubleCheck was invoked. The caller chose to cancel the callback request and transfer to a holding queue. |
I61 | CBDC Cncl | Callback DoubleCheck was invoked. The caller canceled the callback request and disconnected the call. |
I62 | CBDC MaxInvDisc | The caller reached the maximum number of invalid responses while in the Callback DoubleCheck menu. |
I63 | NewInteraction | The Platform Toolkit created the interaction by invoking the CreateInteraction method. |
I64 | No ICM VRU | The caller was routed to a holding queue. |
I65 | 800Intercept | The 800Intercept application created a new interaction. The caller chose either to accept or reject a messaging offer. |
InResult codes
- InResult codes establish what happened to the caller on the first step of the initial inbound call.
- Codes are logged in the QDump table of the VHT_RPT database.
Click to view InResult codes
The following table lists the InResult codes and their meanings.
InResult code | Short description | Detailed description |
I0 | Abandon | The caller disconnected while listening to the callback options. |
I1 | MaxInvPhn | The caller reached the maximum number of attempts to enter an invalid phone number. |
I2 | FIFO CB | The caller selected an ASAP Callback. This includes calls registered through the Platform Toolkit. |
I3 | Chose Hold | The caller chose to remain on hold by making the proper selection. |
I4 | NR/IR Hold | The caller made no selection (which eventually caused a time-out) or provided the maximum number of invalid responses. |
I5 | Appt CB | The caller chose to schedule a callback. This includes calls registered through the Platform Toolkit. |
I6 | UnderThrsh | The EWT was below the Turn-on Threshold. The caller was not offered a callback and was sent directly to queue. |
I7 | SCAbandon | The caller hung up after accepting a Second Chance Callback offer. |
I8 | Web FIFO CB | The caller chose a WebConnect callback. This does not include calls registered through the Platform Toolkit. |
I9 | Web Appt CB | The caller chose to schedule a callback through WebConnect. This does not include calls registered through the Platform Toolkit. |
I10 | AbndOnHold | The caller disconnected while waiting on hold. |
I11 | QSpeak | The caller received a QueueSpeak announcement and was transferred to a holding queue. |
I12 | Purge | Callback was in Purge operation mode, and the caller was sent directly to a holding queue. |
I13 | Shutdown | Callback was in Shutdown mode; caller was sent directly to the holding queue. |
I14 | ChoseMessaging | The caller chose to accept a messaging offer. This can apply to interactions created by 800-Intercept or those in VIS that converted to messaging. |
I15 | Standby | Caller was sent directly to queue because Callback was in Standby mode. |
I16 | RteFail | Reserved for future use - The PBX/ACD returned an error when Callback issued a route command. |
I17 | RteTimeout | Callback routed the call but did not receive an event indicating that it reached the route destination within the allotted time. |
I18 | SCCB | Second Chance Callback was successfully registered. |
I19 | SCError | The Second Chance Callback was not completed due to an error. |
I20 | Excluded | The caller was sent directly to queue because the call arrived on a DN that Callback was configured to ignore. |
I21 | NoAgents | The caller was sent directly to queue because Callback did not detect any agents staffed. |
I22 | NoVHPortAvail | The caller was sent directly to queue because no inbound Callback trunks were available. |
I23 | IVRTimeout | The call was lost. No response was received from the IVR regarding the call within the time allotted. This usually occurs when an IVR is unavailable and Queue Manager is still running. |
I24 | Restart | The call was lost. The Callback system was restarted while the caller listened to inbound prompts. |
I25 | AftHrsSchd | Callback was in After Hours operation mode, and the caller chose to schedule a callback. |
I26 | AftHrsDisc | Callback was in After Hours operation mode. The caller was played a message and was disconnected. |
I27 | AftHrsInvd | Callback was in After Hours operation mode. The caller reached the maximum number of invalid entries and was disconnected. |
I28 | Smart Purge | The caller was sent directly to a holding queue because Smart Purge was invoked. |
I29 | VQMaxInvDisc | Callback was in Virtual Queue operation mode. The caller reached the maximum number of invalid entries and was either sent directly to queue or disconnected, depending on the configuration. |
I30 | DateBkInvd | Callback was in Date Book operation mode; the caller reached the maximum number of invalid entries and was disconnected. |
I31 | CBDC | Callback Double-Check (CBDC) was invoked. The caller chose to receive a callback and entered a phone number that was already in the callback queue. The caller was then offered CBDC options. |
I32 | VQ FIFO CB | Callback was in Virtual Queue operation mode, and caller chose an ASAP callback. |
I33 | DBChsSched | Callback was in Date Book operation mode, and the caller chose to schedule a callback. |
I34 | CallBlock | The caller was sent directly to queue because the Call Block threshold was reached. |
I35 | SmrtRteACD | The caller was sent directly to a pre-configured route point because the number of calls holding exceeded the SmartRoute threshold. |
I36 | SmrtRteFIFO | The caller was sent directly to a pre-configured route point because the number of calls in the Virtual Queue exceeded the SmartRoute threshold. |
I37 | SmrtRteEWT | The caller was sent directly to a pre-configured route point because the estimated wait time exceeded the SmartRoute Threshold. |
I40 | Outreach | This call was made by the Outreach feature. No inbound call was received. |
I41 | SmartQSpeak | The caller received a QueueSpeak announcement and was transferred to queue because the EWT extended beyond the business hours. |
I42 | Expired | A new interaction was not used within the allotted time. |
I43 | RejectMessaging | The caller chose to reject a messaging offer presented by the 800Intercept application. |
I44 | MessagingError | A message could not be sent due to a technical error. |
CallProgressResult codes
- CallProgressResult codes are the result of the dialing portion of each callback attempt.
- Codes are logged in the HistoricalOut table in the VHT_RPT database.
Click to view CallProgressResult codes
The following table lists the CallProgressResult codes and their meanings.
CallProgressResult code | Short description | Detailed description |
O50 | No Answer | A callback was placed, but no one answered the call. |
O51 | Busy | A callback was placed, but the line was busy. |
O52 | No DialTn | A callback was attempted but received no dial tone from the telephone network. |
O54 | Fax | A callback was placed but reached a FAX machine. |
O55 | Human | A callback was placed and was answered successfully. |
O56 | OpInt | A callback was attempted but reached an operator error message. |
O57 | NoRingBack | A callback was attempted but never rang the party. |
O58 | AnsMach | A callback was placed but reached an answering machine. |
O59 | Other | A callback was placed but was not successful for an unspecified reason. |
OutFate codes
- OutFate codes track the result for each callback attempt.
- These are logged in the HistoricalOut table in the VHT_RPT database.
Click to view OutFates codes
The following table lists the OutFate codes and their meanings.
OutFate code | Short description | Detailed description |
O0 | No answer | Call progress resulted in no answer. |
O1 | Busy | Call progress resulted in a busy signal. |
O2 | Canceled | The callback was answered and the recipient canceled the callback. |
O3 | HailMaxInvDisc | The callback was answered. Callback received the maximum number of invalid responses and disconnected call. |
O4 | Abandon | The callback was answered and the recipient disconnected without making a selection. |
O5 | Fax | The callback was answered by a fax machine. |
O6 | NoRingBack | Call progress resulted in no ringback. |
O7 | Resched | The callback was answered and the recipient rescheduled for another time. |
O8 | HailNR ToutDisc | The callback was answered. Callback received no input, timed out, then disconnected the call. |
O9 | Xfer2PriQ | The callback was answered and the recipient was transferred to the priority queue. |
O10 | HailTimeExpDisc | During a callback, Option 2 was selected, for more time, then nothing was pressed before the hail time expired. Callback then disconnected the call. |
O11 | NoDialTn | Call progress resulted in no dial-tone. |
O12 | AnsMach | Call progress resulted in detecting an answering machine. |
O14 | CBFailNoIVRResp | Queue Manager did not receive a response from the IVR within the time allotted (Outbound equivalent to I23). |
O15 | OutreachHAILDisc | After the caller pressed the key to indicate his presence, the announcement message was played, then the call was disconnected. (Based upon the Outreach Transfer Mode setting in EyeQueue). |
O16 | OutreachPVDDisc | After positive voice detection, the announcement message was played, then the call was disconnected. (Based upon the Outreach Transfer Mode setting in EyeQueue). |
O99 | CallbackFailed | The callback failed for an unknown reason. |
FinalFate codes
- FinalFate codes identify what happened to the caller at the completion of the transaction.
- Codes are logged in the QDump table of the VHT_RPT database.
Click FinalFate codes
The following table lists the FinalFate codes and their meanings.
FinalFate code | Short description | Detailed descriptions |
Q0 | AbndOnIn | The caller disconnected while listening to the callback options. |
Q1 | Max Busy | The callback was unsuccessful due to reaching the maximum number of failed attempts with a result of a busy signal. The callback was canceled. |
Q2 | Canceled | The callback was answered and the recipient chose to cancel. |
Q3 | ChoseHldXfer2Q | The caller chose to remain on hold by making the proper selection or making the max number of invalid selections. The call was transferred to a holding queue and was answered by an agent. |
Q4 | NRXfer2Q | The caller chose to remain on hold by making no selection and waiting for a timeout to occur. The call was transferred to a holding queue and answered by an agent. Note: FinalFate code Q4 is used for both Max No Response - Main Menu and Max Invalid Response - Main Menu. |
Q6 | MaxNoAns | The callback was unsuccessful due to reaching the maximum number of failed attempts with a result of no answer. The callback was canceled. |
Q7 | ChoseMessaging | The caller chose to receive a message. Callback initiated a messaging interaction, advised the caller that a message would be sent, then disconnected the call. |
Q8 | Continuity | A pending callback was transferred to Mindful Callback when the Continuity feature was activated. |
Q9 | MaxTryAgain | The callback was unsuccessful due to reaching the maximum number of failed attempts with a result other than a busy signal, no answer, or answering machine. The callback was canceled. |
Q10 | CBXfer2PriQ | The callback was answered by the recipient and transferred to the priority queue before being answered by an agent. |
Q11 | MaxTotlAttempts | The callback was unsuccessful due to reaching the maximum number of total attempts. The callback was canceled. |
Q12 | UnderThres | The caller was sent directly to queue because the estimated wait time did not meet or exceed the Turn-On Threshold. The call was answered by an agent. |
Q13 | Route Failure | Route failure caused by I16 or I17. |
Q14 | AbndOnHold | The caller disconnected while waiting in a holding queue. |
Q15 | Purge | Callback was in Purge operation mode. The caller was sent directly to queue and was eventually answered by an agent. |
Q16 | QSpeakXfer2Q | The caller received a QueueSpeak announcement and was transferred to queue. The call was answered by an agent. |
Q17 | ShutdownXfer2Q | Callback was in Shutdown operation mode. The call was sent directly to queue and was answered by an agent. |
Q18 | StandbyXfer2Q | Callback was in Standby operation mode. The call was sent directly to queue and was answered by an agent. |
Q19 | Xfer2QError | The caller chose to speak to an agent, but Callback failed to transfer the call to queue. The caller may have disconnected during the transfer, or Callback may not have received notice of the successful transfer. |
Q20 | Route Refused | Callback refused to route/treat the call due to detecting no agents staffed, or the IVR was unavailable while in After Hours operation mode. |
Q21 | RejectMessaging | The caller chose to reject a messaging offer presented by the 800Intercept application. |
Q22 | NoEwt | EWT was blank - report console never received the EWT for the call. Call the support team. |
Q23 | AbandonInPriQ | The caller disconnected in the priority queue. |
Q24 | AcceptSCOffer | After first choosing to hold, the caller accepted a Second Chance Callback offer. |
Q25 | ResQFail | N/A - Currently unused in code (ref I19). |
Q26 | AnsOffSite | The caller was directed to another contact center by a different application. |
Q27 | LostInQ | The call was sent to a holding queue but not answered by an agent. The next call that came in either used the same call ID or arrived on the same trunk, so Callback assumed the call was lost. |
Q28 | Restart | The call was in queue or the IVR when Callback was restarted. If the call was in the IVR, it was most likely disconnected. If the call was in the holding or priority queue, the ACD still handled the call, but Callback had no way to track it. |
Q29 | AftHrsDisc | Callback was in After Hours operation mode. The call was disconnected (see I26 and I27). |
Q30 | MaxAnsMach | The callback was unsuccessful due to reaching the maximum number of failed attempts with a result of an answering machine. The callback was canceled. |
Q31 | VQMaxInvDisc | Callback was in Virtual Queue operation mode. The caller reached the maximum number of invalid entries, and the call was disconnected (see I29). |
Q32 | DateBkDisc | Callback was in DateBook operation mode. The caller reached the maximum number of invalid entries, and the call was disconnected. |
Q33 | Equalize Route | The caller was routed to another contact center by the Callback Equalize adapter. |
Q34 | AnsOffSiteCP | The call was sent to a queue, but no route response was received. Calls that afterward after were answered by an agent, so Callback assumed the call was directed to another contact center by a different application. |
Q35 | CallLostCP | The call was sent to a queue but not answered by an agent. Calls that arrived afterward were answered by an agent, so Callback assumed the call was lost and cleaned it up. |
Q36 | CBDC CncCB | Callback DoubleCheck was invoked, and the caller canceled his pending callback. |
Q37 | CallBlock | The caller was sent directly to queue because the Call Block threshold was reached. |
Q38 | CBDC KpCBDisc | Callback DoubleCheck was invoked. The caller chose to keep his pending callback request and disconnected. |
Q39 | CBDC MaxInvDisc | The caller was disconnected due to reaching the maximum number of invalid responses in the Callback DoubleCheck menu (see I62). |
Q40 | CBDC CncCBDisc | Callback DoubleCheck was invoked. The caller chose to cancel his pending callback and end the current call. |
Q41 | SmartRoute | The caller was sent directly to a pre-configured route point because a SmartRoute threshold was exceeded. |
Q42 | NotifyDisc | Callback was in Notify operation mode. Callback played the Notify message and disconnected the call (see I38). |
Q43 | NotifyCancCB | The caller requested a callback, but the queue switched to Notify operation mode before it was made. The caller was called back for the notification and opted to cancel their pending callback. |
Q44 | CBExpired | The callback was not made within the allotted time and was canceled. |
Q45 | AdminCancl | The call was canceled manually through Virtual Queue Snapshot in EyeQueue. |
Q46 | OutreachAnsDisc | After the call was answered, Callback played an announcement message, then disconnected. This was based on the Outreach Transfer Mode setting in EyeQueue. |
Q47 | InteractionExp | A new interaction was not used within the allotted time and was canceled. |
Q48 | ReCallComplete | The Outreach call was transferred to an agent. |
Q49 | ReCallAbandon | The Outreach call was disconnected. |