Dashboards Architecture
What are the Dashboards?
The Dashboards provides a real-time view of the various queues and interactions tracked by Callback. Some statistics you will see in Dashboards include:
- Number of pending callbacks
- Number of callers holding on the ACD
- Number of callers registering a callback
The Dashboards is a required application always installed on each Management Instance server in a Callback solution.
Architecture Overview
Details on each connection point:
- The QWatch Client will generate text files containing all real-time data it collected from Queue Manager.
- The QWatchWS web service will read the files generated by the QWatch Client.
- The Statistics API will call the QWatchWS web service to retrieve the current real-time statistics.
- The Dashboards UI will call the Statistics API to display the real-time data.
- The Statistics API will calls the VHQMWS web service to delete callbacks that were canceled by a user in Dashboards.