(9.0+) Peripheral Monitor logging

Core Monitor generates the following log files:

  • peripheral_monitor
  • component_controller
  • notification_client

Peripheral Monitor's site.config is used to configure the following:

  • Where the active files are located

Peripheral Monitor site.config File Location

This can be located on each server in the registry

    • InstallationLocation

The folder InstallationLocation is appended with \Peripheral Monitor folder:

example = C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\Peripheral Monitor


When troubleshooting an issue, be sure to set the log level to the appropriate level to capture all the necessary information.

peripheral_monitor logs

These logs show the stopping and starting of the Peripheral Monitor. In HA environments, you will see the setting of registry settings and configuration files used by monitored Callback applications to connect to the active Queue Manager.

Periphal Monitor site.config Logging Setting

{vht_remote_client,[ {vht_logger_options, [{base_log_file_path, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHLogs/Logs"}]},

File path where active logs should be writtenbase_log_file_path*Any valid directory pathN/A
Log level to write active logsOnly one log level available
Size of the active LogN/A10 MB
Name of log folderbase_log_file_pathTextN/A
Name of log filebase_log_file_pathTextN/A
How many active files to keep in the active directoryControlled by Archive Service
When to start new log fileActive file size exceeds 10MB

*Should always be the root for ALL log files.

component_controller logs

This log records the stopping and starting of monitored components on the Peripheral Monitor.

Peripheral Monitor site.config Logging Setting

[ {vht_console_app,[ {vht_logger_options, [{base_log_file_path, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHLogs/Logs"}]},

File path where active logs should be writtenbase_log_file_path*Any valid directory pathN/A
Log level to write active logsOnly one log level available
Size of the active LogN/A10 MB
Name of log folderbase_log_file_pathTextN/A
Name of log filebase_log_file_pathTextN/A
How many active files to keep in the active directoryControlled by Archive Service
When to start new log fileActive file size exceeds 10MB

*Should always be the root for ALL log files.

notification_client logs

Here the status of monitored components and the Peripheral Monitor are recorded. This will be the same status being reported to System Management.

Peripheral Monitor site.config Logging Setting

{vht_notification_client,[ {vht_logger_options, [{base_log_file_path, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHLogs/Logs"}]},

File path where active logs should be writtenbase_log_file_path*Any valid directory pathN/A
Log level to write active logsOnly one log level available
Size of the active LogN/A10 MB
Name of log folderbase_log_file_pathTextN/A
Name of log filebase_log_file_pathTextN/A
How many active files to keep in the active directoryControlled by Archive Service
When to start new log fileActive file size exceeds 10MB

*Should always be the root for ALL log files.