(9.5+) How to set QueueManager log levels

Beginning in version 9.5.3, you can set granular and specific log levels for QueueManager via the Log Level Settings utility (C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology on Core servers).

  • The Log Level Settings utility must be launched with Administrator permissions.
  • This utility only affects QueueManager logs. Other On-Premise Callback logs, such as IVR and TIAL logs, are configured via the Windows registry.
  • QueueManager does not need to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

log level settings

Consult the following table for information on each of the available log selections:

Log SelectionItems Logged
Call TracingCalls entering the On-Premise Callback system
Call LaunchingCallbacks being launched
Call ReportingInformation being saved in database tables (QDump or HistoricalOut)
SchedulingScheduling settings and scheduled calls being added or removed
EWT TracingEWT calculation information (for calls and settings)
EWT DetailsLocks and function calls for EWT
TIAL InformationTIAL event information parsed from CTI events
User InformationUserData and UUI information for a call
LockingLocking and Unlocking for the purpose of checking for deadlocks
MapsMaps being used
ConfigurationQueueManager configuration information
StatisticsStatistics information (such as CacheRouteInformation, CallbackForecast, LineSnapShot, QueueSnapShot, or QueueStats)
MessageDataQMCL MessageData being sent
Message Bus InterfaceReceipt of, processing of, and response to MessageBus requests
QMCLReceipt of, processing of, and response to QMCL messages
RabbitMQ MessagesSending and receiving messages to and from RabbitMQ