(9.0+) Statistics API logging

Statistics API generates the following log files:

  • StatisticsService_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS

The log file name contains the date and time since the last restart of Statistics API service.

Statistics API's yaml file is used to configure the following:

  • Where the active files are located
  • What log level to write logs

Statistics API's yaml File Location

This can be located on each server in the registry

    • InstallationLocation

The folder InstallationLocation is appended with \Dashboard

example = C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\Dashboard

The name of the yaml file is: vht_stats_api-config.yml


When troubleshooting an issue, be sure to set the log level to the appropriate level to capture all the necessary information.

StatisticsService_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS logs

This log file shows how often the historian file is updated for displaying data on various graphs in Dashboards. You will also see various api calls from different web browsers requesting to display data. You will not see a text output of the data to be displayed in this log.

Statistics API yaml File Logging Settings

:logroot: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\VHLogs\Logs\':loglevel: 2

File path where active logs should be writtenlogroot*Any valid directory pathN/A
Log level to write active logsloglevel**NumericalN/A

*Should always be the root for ALL log files.

**The numerical values used to configure log levels are nulled out and included in the yaml configuration file. Debug is the highest level with Unknown being the lowest log level.

# DEBUG == 0# INFO == 1# WARN == 2# ERROR == 3# FATAL == 4# UNKNOWN == 5