Outbound Contact Client (OCC) logging

Outbound Contact Client (OCC) generates the following log files:

  • occ
  • error

Peripheral Monitor's site.config is used to configure the following:

  • Where the active files are located
  • What log level to write logs

Additional values not configured by default

  • Name of the active log file and folder
  • Size of the active log file
  • Number of active log files to keep in the directory

Peripheral Monitor site.config File Location

This can be located on each server in the registry

    • InstallationLocation

The folder InstallationLocation is appended with \Peripheral Monitor

example = C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\Peripheral Monitor

Common Log Level

The following log levels are acceptable log levels to modify OCC logging. They are in order from highest to lowest log level.

  1. Debug
  2. Info
  3. Error


When troubleshooting an issue, be sure to set the log level to the appropriate level to capture all the necessary information.

OCC logs

Here you will find info level messages by default which include the status of all outbound dial attempts. This also includes error logging.

Peripheral Monitor site.config Logging Settings

{lager,[{handlers,{lager_file_backend, [{file,"C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHLogs/Logs/Outbound Contact Client/occ.log"},

These values are not included by default but can be added

{level,info} | {size,10485760} | {date,"$D0"} | {count,5}]},

File path where active logs should be writtenfile*Any valid directory pathN/A
Log level to write active logslevel**See tableN/A
Size of the active LogsizeNumber in bytes10 MB
Name of the active log folderfileTextN/A
Name of active log file fileTextN/A
How many active files to keep in the active directorycount***NumberN/A
When to start a new active log filedate****See lager docsN/A

*Should always be the root for ALL log files.

**Debug level is the highest log level. It should not be set lower than this. Refer to lager documentation on other valid options. https://github.com/basho/lager

Log levelsIncluded in logs
infoDefault. Should not be set lower than this

***Will only allow 5 files in the active directory at a time. Will delete files if Archive service has not archived the file.

****Set to always start a new log file at midnight regardless of size. Different options are available. Refer to lager documentation on other valid options. https://github.com/basho/lager

Error logs

Here you will find error level messages default which include the status of all outbound dial attempts. This also includes error logging.

Peripheral Monitor site.config Logging Settings

{lager,[{handlers,{lager_file_backend, [{file,"C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHLogs/Logs/Outbound Contact Client/error.log"},

These values are not included by default but can be added

{level,error} | {size,10485760} | {date,"$D0"} | {count,5}]},

File path where active logs should be writtenfile*Any valid directory pathN/A
Log level to write active logslevel**See tableN/A
Size of the active LogsizeNumber in bytes10 MB
Name of the active log folderfileTextN/A
Name of active log file fileTextN/A
How many active files to keep in the active directorycount***Number5
When to start a new active log filedate****See lager docsEveryday at Midnight -or- File size exceeded. Which ever occurs first

*Should always be the root for ALL log files.

**Error level is the lowest level License Manager should log. It should not be set lower than this. Refer to lager documentation on other valid options. https://github.com/basho/lager

Log levelIncluded in logs
errorDefault. Should not be set lower than this

***Will only allow 5 files in the active directory at a time. Will delete files if Archive service has not archived the file.

****Set to always start a new log file at midnight regardless of size. Different options are available. Refer to lager documentation on other valid options. https://github.com/basho/lager