Licensing log statements
License Server
The License Server debug.log file contains all problems logged against the license file. The default location of this file is C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\VHLogs\LicenseServer. Possible messages include:
Expired license file | 2017-07-18 10:11:17.515 UTC [error] <0.205.0>@license_file:validate_not_expired:77 License file has expired. |
No valid license file found | 2017-07-18 10:11:17.515 UTC [info] <0.205.0>@license_poller:get_license_file:61 No valid license file found. |
General license file information is logged to the License Server debug.log file. Possible messages include:
Logs license information from License Server configuration database on system startup. | 2017-07-18 10:11:17.515 UTC [error]<0.205.0>@license_file:License Notification Settings: ui_days = [30,60,90], email_days = [1,7,30,60,90], email_frequency_in_days: 1. |
Logs the expiration date and time of the current log file on system startup. | 2017-07-18 10:11:17.515 UTC [error]<0.205.0>@license_file:Initial License Expiration Date: [[2019,12,31],[0.0.0]]. |
Logs the expiration date and time of a newly added license file. | 2017-07-18 10:11:17.515 UTC [error]<0.205.0>@License_file:Updated License Expiration Date: [[2019,12,31],[0.0.0]]. |
License file API request information is logged to the License Server debug.log file. Possible messages include:
Logs license API information from the License Server when the license granted to the request is released because the license timed-out. | 2017-07-18 10:11:17.515 UTC [info]<0.205.0>@message_processor:finalize_release_request:353 Released API request:license_guid 2017-07-18 10:11:17.515 UTC [info]<0.205.0>@message_processor:log_license_counts:540 Current License Counts {Group, In, Out}:[{<<"global">>,0,0},{<<"a">>,0,0},{<<"b">>,0,0}]" |
Logs license API information from the License Server when the license granted to the request is revoked because request is invalid for some reason. These reasons include incorrect request data, server is in an incorrect mode, etc.. | 2017-07-18 10:11:17.515 UTC [info]<0.205.0>@license_processor:validate_revoke_request:353 Revoked API request:license_guid 2017-07-18 10:11:17.515 UTC [info]<0.205.0>@message_processor:log_license_counts:540 Current License Counts {Group, In, Out}:[{<<"global">>,0,0},{<<"a">>,0,0},{<<"b">>,0,0}]" |
License requests and releases are also logged to the License Server debug.log file.
Logs if a license request exceeds allocation limits | 2017-07-18 11:16:36.933 UTC [info] <0.207.0>@message_processor:is_granted_below_allocation:155 License request exceeded allocation limits 2017-07-18 11:16:36.933 UTC [info] <0.207.0>@message_processor:add_guid_to_list:170 Request denied. 2017-07-18 11:16:36.933 UTC [info] <0.207.0>@message_processor:log_license_counts:194 Current License Counts {Group, In, Out}: [{<<"global">>,0,1}] |
Logs if a license request exceeds entitlement limits | 2017-07-18 11:13:58.418 UTC [info] <0.207.0>@message_processor:is_granted_below_entitlement:115 License request exceeded entitlement limits2017-07-18 11:13:58.418 [info] <0.207.0>@message_processor:add_guid_to_list:164 Request denied. 2017-07-18 11:13:58.418 UTC [info] <0.207.0>@message_processor:log_license_counts:188 Current License Counts {Group, In, Out}: [{<<"global">>,0,3}] |
Logs if a license release request was received | 2019-01-08 19:20:36.612 UTC [info] <0.214.0>@message_processor:add_guid_to_list:348 Request granted.2019-01-08 19:20:36.612 UTC [info] <0.214.0>@message_processor:log_license_counts:535 Current License Counts {Group, In, Out}: [{<<"global">>,0,0},{<<"Test">>,1,0}] |
Logs if a license was actually released | 2019-01-08 19:20:36.620 UTC [info] <0.214.0>@message_processor:log_license_counts:535 Current License Counts {Group, In, Out}: [{<<"global">>,0,0},{<<"Test">>,0,0}] |
Logs if a license was actually released | 2018-12-14 13:27:06.135 UTC [info]<0.217.0>@message_processor:validate_release_license:353 Released license:license_guid2018-12-14 13:28:36.138 UTC [info] <0.217.0>@message_processor:log_license_counts:540 Current License Counts {Group, In, Out}: [{<<"global">>,0,0},{<<"a">>,0,0},{<<"b">>,0,0}] |
Logs when a license is expired | 2018-12-14 13:27:06.135 UTC [info]<0.217.0>@message_processor:finalize_license_expire_license:353 License expired:license_guid2018-12-14 13:28:36.138 UTC [info] <0.217.0>@message_processor:log_license_counts:540 Current License Counts {Group, In, Out}: [{<<"global">>,0,0},{<<"a">>,0,0},{<<"b">>,0,0}] |
License requests map a source application to a feature.
Source application maps to an existing license feature | 2018-04-19 09:28:49.803 UTC [debug] <0.212.0>@message_processor:validate_feature_from_source_application:131 Source Application: <<"VXML Interaction Server">> successfully mapped to feature "vis" with license type of <<"inbound">> |
Source application maps to a default license feature if it cannot match an existing license feature | 2018-04-19 09:28:36.733 UTC [debug] <0.212.0>@message_processor:validate_feature_from_source_application:128 Feature does not exist for source application: <<"Feature X">>. Using default feature "conversation-bridge" with license type of undefined |
Source application is blank | 2018-04-19 09:28:29.419 UTC [debug] <0.212.0>@message_processor:validate_feature_from_source_application:128 Feature does not exist for source application: <<>>. Using default feature "conversation-bridge" with license type of undefined |
License release requests are also logged, in simplified form, to the QueueManager MainReportLog_xxxxx.txt file. The default location of this file is installation_path\Virtual hold Technology\VHLogs\Logs\date\Main\time).
License release requests and corresponding license release messages may have different time stamps. The QueueManager MainReportLog file contains license and license release requests. The License Server debug.log file contains the corresponding license release messages.
Log when QueueManager requests a license | call_ID|License GUID for Inbound Call|license_guid|2019-01-08 10:59:37.071 |
Log when QueueManager requests the release of a license | call_ID|License GUID Released|license_guid|2019-01-08 10:59:37.071 |