Voice-to-messaging log messages and error codes

The following log messages can be viewed to identify errors or verify that the messaging feature is functioning.

New Voice-to-Messaging interaction

flow diagram

To identify a new messaging interaction initiated by PTK or VIS, you can see "Messaging" assigned as the Source Application for a call in MainReportLog:

V0001000000000125072019081225614|Source Application| Messaging |2020-08-26 08:12:25.685

Log MessageCauseLog
Source Application|MessagingA new Messaging interaction was createdMainReportLog

Messaging offer accepted

When a messaging request succeeds, the following statement will be posted in MainReportLog:

V0000000000000126082019035534771| Chose Messaging |TRUE|2020-08-26 03:57:46.343

This will be reflected in a state change, resulting in a final state of "Chose Messaging":

V0000000000000126082019035534771|State| Chose Messaging |2020-08-26 03:57:46.344

V0000000000000126082019035534771|Final State| Chose Messaging |2020-08-26 03:57:46.345

Log MessageCauseLog
Chose Messaging|TRUEThe caller chose to hang up and receive a messageMainReportLog
State|Chose Messaging| OR Final State|Chose MessagingThe inbound leg of a voice call ended after creating a new messaging interaction.MainReportLog

Messaging offer rejected

When a caller chooses not to accept a messaging offer, the following statement will be posted in MainReportLog:

V0000000000000126082019035534771| Reject Messaging |TRUE|2020-08-26 03:57:46.343

This will be reflected in a state change:

V0000000000000126082019035534771|State| Reject Messaging |2020-08-26 03:57:46.344

Log Message



Reject Messaging|TRUEThe caller declined an offer to receive a message.MainReportLog
State|Reject MessagingThe call state has updated to indicate that a messaging offer was declined.MainReportLog

Messaging Error

The "Messaging Error" log statement appears in MainReportLog when a message cannot be sent for technical reasons:

V0000000000000104092019100750069| Messaging Error | TRUE |2019-09-04 10:07:54.437

This statement will appear if an error is reported via the ModifyInteraction PTK method. Application developers can add their own value in place of "TRUE" above.

Note: If a message cannot be sent due to a caller reaching the maximum number of retries when entering a phone number, it will not be logged as an error, but rather as "Max Retries".

Log MessageCauseLog
Messaging Error|TRUEAn error was returned from the messaging platform and associated with the interaction via the ModifyInteraction method.MainReportLog