Modifying survey form look and feel
This section contains examples of how to modify surveys using the Digital survey form 2.0 look and feel based on our predefined CSS Variables and Classes.
Primary color
Digital survey form 2.0 makes it easier to maintain your stylesheet by allowing you to define a primary color once, and then reusing it across your CSS instead of using specific color definitions.
To set up a primary color, add this snippet to the top of your custom CSS file:
:root { --palette-core-primary: #4050C6; }
The --palette-core-primary
predefined variable configures these styles:
- the selected component state background color for group components such as checkbox or radio button
- the selected component state, for the background color of the element
- hover/focus component state, for the border of the highlighted element
Setting the the primary color using --palette-core-primary
configures the default value for the following variables:
- --palette-group-mark-background
- --palette-action-active
- --palette-action-hover
Fonts and typography
Any custom text and fonts are grouped under the “Typography” family of variables.
To use your own custom font for the new form, include the following:
:root{ --typography-fontFamily: 'open sans'; }
Use fonts already loaded by a website by adding the following CSS.
@font-face {
font-family: myCustomFont;
src: url(;
--typography-fontFamily: myCustomFont; }
You must make sure that your CORS policy allows font-src from a Medallia domain. See Allow-list guidance.
For example, compare the title of the following text boxes:
Using default font (Open sans)
Using custom font (Roboto)
Modifying the component label size
You can modify the following properties of the components label’s font.
:root{ --typography-headline-size: 18px; /* Label font size */ }
Modifying spacing between questions
:root { --questions-spacing: 40px; /* vertical spacing between survey fields */ }
Modifying survey radio button and checkbox colors
The new survey form offers these controls to modify the checked and unchecked states:
- Inner mark: the color of the inner circle or tick "✓" element.
- Background: the color of the checked state
--palette-group-inner-mark : #ffffff; /* mark color for group - checkbox or radio */
--palette-group-mark-background: #011638; /* mark background for group - checkbox or radio */ }
You can also reuse the primary color by using:
:root { --palette-group-inner-mark: var(--palette-core-primary);}
Modifying Rating Scales
Digital Form 2.0 supports the following modifications to the rating scales by defining your own custom CSS class (see above) and making the following modifications. You can change the HEX color code as required:
For 1-5 Components
.myRatingsClass {
--palette-action-hover: var(--palette-core-primary); /* hover/focus, represents the border of the highlighted element (Outline property) */
--palette-rating-custom-hover: rgba(254, 215, 44, .7); /* hover color for stars/emoticons */
--palette-rating-custom-selected: #FED72C; /* active color for stars/emoticons */
--palette-rating-custom-outline: var(--palette-typography-placeholder); /* normal and hover outline color for stars/emoticons */
--palette-rating-custom-selected-outline: var(--palette-typography-body); /* selected outline color for stars/emoticons */}
For all other rating components
.myRatingsClass {
--palette-rating-number-hover:var(--palette-core-primary); /* hover outline for rating type number */
--palette-rating-number-selected: var(--palette-core-primary); /* selected color for rating number */
--palette-rating-number-text-hover: var(--palette-typography-body);
--palette-rating-number-text-selected: var(--palette-core-components);
--palette-rating-number-text-selected-hover: var(--palette-core-components);
--palette-rating-number-text: var(--palette-typography-body);
Modifying survey buttons
You can modify the submit and close buttons as follows:
Submit button:
.surveyBtn.surveyBtn_submit { /*definition goes in here*/ }
Close button:
.surveyBtn.surveyBtn_close { /*definition goes in here*/ }
To hide the close button use:
.surveyBtn.surveyBtn_close { Display:none;}
From version 2.50, to change the button alignment:
--survey-footer-buttons-justify: center; /* align footer buttons (1 page)*/
--survey-footer-multi-page-buttons-justify: flex-end; /* align footer buttons (multi page) */
To modify all footer buttons override the surveyBtn
Modifying the close(“X”) button
To modify the “X” button, use the following:
.surveyX { font-size: 10px; display: none; }
Make a specific question bold
To make a specific question bold, add a custom CSS class from the Digital Command Center (as described above) and use the following:
.myClass { font-weight:bold; }
Modifying the color of error message text
To modify the color of an error message use the following definition in your custom CSS file:
:root { --palette-typography-error: #9055a2 }
Modifying the non-numeric scale questions
Survey Form 2.0 offers “Stars” and “Faces” non-numeric rating scales.To modify the background color in hover or selected state of non-numeric rating questions override the following definition:
:root{ --palette-rating-custom-selected: #800080 /*selected marking*/
--palette-rating-custom-hover: #51414F /*hover color*/ }
Modifying the numeric rating scales labels
To modify the numeric rating scales labels, override the “ratingMinLabel” and “ratingMaxLabel” classes:
.ratingMinLabel { font-weight:bold; }
Modifying survey size on Mobile Web
To modify the form dimensions in mobile web use the following class to override the survey size:
.mobile form { width:90%; }
Note: Overriding the mobile form dimensions could impact the survey's responsiveness on mobile web devices.
Modifying the scrollbar (Web and Mobile)
To hide the scrollbar add this:
/* Hide scrollbar for Chrome, Safari and Opera */
html::-webkit-scrollbar, main::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;
/* Hide scrollbar for IE, Edge and Firefox */
html, main {
-ms-overflow-style: none /* IE and Edge */;
scrollbar-width: none; /* Firefox */
To modify the style (color and size), add this:
:root {
--survey-scrollbar-border-radius: 5px; /* Scrollbar edges border radius of thumb */
--survey-scrollbar-width: 9px; /* Scrollbar width */
--survey-scrollbar-width-display: 9px; /* Scrollbar width for firefox */
--survey-scrollbar-track-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); /* Scrollbar track color */
--survey-scrollbar-thumb-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); /* Scrollbar thumb color */
html::-webkit-scrollbar, main::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: block;
width: var(--survey-scrollbar-width, 9px);
-webkit-appearance: none;
html, main {
overflow-x: hidden;
-ms-overflow-style: auto; /* IE and Edge */;
scrollbar-width: auto; /* Firefox */
html::-webkit-scrollbar-track, main::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: var(--survey-scrollbar-track-color, rgba(0,0,0,0.2));
html::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, main::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
-webkit-border-radius: var(--survey-scrollbar-border-radius, 5px);
border-radius: var(--survey-scrollbar-border-radius, 5px);
background: var(--survey-scrollbar-thumb-color, rgba(0,0,0,0.4));
html::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover, main::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
background: var(--survey-scrollbar-thumb-color, rgba(0,0,0,0.5));
Modifying the NPS slider color in Digital In-App only
To modify the NPS slider color in the mobile app, override the following class:
{ --palette-core-primary: red; /* thumb color */
--slider-track-active-color: green; /* track left side color (smaller than selected value) */
--slider-track-inactive-color: blue; /* track right side color (greater than selected value) */ }
Language specific customizations
with [lang="<language code>"]
. Use IETF language tags as described in defining languages. The language that is chosen depends on the browser's locale settings. For example:
[lang="fr"] {
--palette-rating-custom-selected: #1ed64c; /*selected marking*/
--palette-rating-custom-hover: #95ad9a; /*hover color*/
This changes the rating styling for French language forms. Such changes can be made for multiple language within the same CSS file.
It is important to place these changes after the definitions made in the :root
section. For example:
@import url(''); /*Load the font for all languages*/
/*Applicable to all languages*/
--typography-fontFamily: 'Roboto',sans-serif;
/*French specific style, overriding the root definition*/
[lang="fr"] {
--palette-rating-custom-selected: #1ed64c; /*selected marking*/
--palette-rating-custom-hover: #95ad9a; /*hover color*/
Hiding the Powered by Medallia logo
In order to hide the Powered by Medallia logo from the footer, add the following to your custom CSS:
{ --powered-by-display: none; }