Trigger types
Choose a type of trigger for your survey forms
Use Digital triggers to configure how a property's surveys are chosen as candidates and presented by websites. The type of trigger assigned to a survey determines the available targeting options.
The following types of trigger are available:
Button trigger - commonly used for "always-on" surveys because the button is visible across a website or app, serving as a consistent channel for feedback. Therefore the targeting capabilities for buttons are fewer, you primarily specify which URL(s) the Button should be present on. You can configure the design and location of buttons. See Button trigger options.
Invitation trigger - commonly referred to as "intercepts" because they can intercept a user at any time in their journey. Invitation triggers have advanced targeting capabilities, with full control over who, where, and when you target each survey, and how it is displayed on different platforms such as mobile and desktop. Intercepts can collect general feedback (general intercept), and also intercept after a specific behavior (behavioral intercept), such as a transaction, search experience, cart-abandonment, and so on. See Invitation trigger options.
Embedded in page - the survey is shown directly in an HTML element within a web page or app. Use an embedded in page trigger to show a survey as an integral part of your site or app. For example on product pages to provide product specific feedback, or as a replacement for contact us forms. See Embedded trigger options.
Code trigger - an advanced option to configure a trigger after a user-action on your website, such as the click of a link, or a call-to-action button. Unlike a button trigger which opens out of the box on a URL, or invite triggers that intercept at a specific time and place, code triggers are more specific to the action being taken. For example to listen for a tag embedded by an application such as Adobe Launch that triggers a survey when a certain threshold is passed. See code triggers.