(9.1+) Peripheral Monitor configuration
The Peripheral Monitor site.config file contains settings for components related to the Peripheral instance. It contains the following sections:
- erlang_app_controller
- vht_notification_client
- vht_remote_client
- lager
- qmcl
- vht_outbound_contact_client
The lager, qmcl, and vht_outbound_contact_client sections of the Peripheral Monitor site.config will only be written if OCC is selected as the External IVR during the IVR Peripheral Configuration portion of Callback installation.
Default loctation is at C:\Program Files (86)\Virtual Hold Technology\Peripheral Monitor
Sample Peripheral Monitor site.config file
This is a sample file. Depending on the application you are using, you may see additional settings.
{application_options, [{max_restart_count, 8},
{restart_period_seconds, 120}]},
{application_list, [
{app_name, vht_outbound_contact_client},
{app_spec, {vht_outbound_contact_client_supervisor, {sup, start_link, []}, permanent, 1000, supervisor, [sup]}}
{vht_logger_options, [{base_log_file_path, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHLogs/Logs"}]},
{peripheral_name, "Management"}
{vht_logger_options, [{base_log_file_path, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHLogs/Logs"}]},
{qm_node_list, [
{'vht_ha_qm@<server.location.here>', "", "9999"}
{connection_options, [{ qm_node_poll_period_ms, 5000}]},
[{source_config_list, [{'vht_ha_qm@<server.location.here>',
"C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/PlatformToolKit/VHT_Message_Bus_Console.exe_<server.location.here>.config"}
{destination_config, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/PlatformToolKit/VHT_Message_Bus_Console.exe.config"}
[{key, "\\hklm\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Virtual Hold\\QMCL Settings\\QWatchService\\OtherServer01"},
{server_ip, "ServerPrimaryIPAddress"},
{server_port, "ServerPrimaryPort"}
{lager_file_backend, [{file, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHLogs/Logs/Outbound Contact Client/error.log"}, {level, error}]},
{lager_file_backend, [{file, "C:/Program Files (x86)/Virtual Hold Technology/VHLogs/Logs/Outbound Contact Client/occ.log"}, {level, info}]}
[{hloc, 10678}
{voice_platform, cic_plugin},
{queue_manager_connection_ping_in_seconds, 15},
{ivr_group_name, "IVR"},
{ivr_server_name, "<IVR Server Name>"},
{ivr_port_send_interval_ms, 2000},
{disposition_url, ""},
{disposition_timeout, 55000},
{enable_wrap_up_code, "false"},
[{outdial_http_options, [{timeout, 5000},
{connect_timeout, 5000}
{call_analysis, "true"},
{enable_amd, "true"}
{outdial_url, ""},
{calling_party_number, "0000000000"},
{vis_outbound_url, ""}
Two settings within erlang_app_controller section of the Peripheral Monitor site.config control when the Peripheral Monitor will restart itself: max_restart_count and restart_period_seconds. Their configuration allows each monitored erlang application to restart a defined number of times within a configurable timeframe before Peripheral Monitor will restart. Initial configuration of these settings is performed during Callback Installation, however the settings may be manually updated in the site.config.
Outbound Contact Client QueueManager Connection
In a High Availability deployment with two core instances, two management instances, and Outbound Contact Client deployed on each management instance, OCC connects to the active QueueManager on the core instance. The OCC deployed on the second management instance will ping the QueueManager deployed on the second core instance at the interval defined in queue_manager_connection_ping_in_seconds (the default value is 15).
In the event of a failover, the QueueManager deployed on the second core instance becomes active, and the OCC deployed on the second management instance will connect to the new active QueueManger. The OCC deployed on the first management instance will enter standby mode and ping the QueueManager deployed on the first core instance for the interval defined in queue_manager_connection_ping_in_seconds.