(9.1+) System Management settings.js files

The System Management settings.js file contains the settings for the Configuration applications. You can change the values of these settings to make changes and updates to the application.

After making each change, refresh your browser to see the changes take effect.


Sample settings.js file

This is a sample file. Depending on the application you are using, you may see additional settings.

module.exports = {
  // URLs for top-level navigation
  launchpad: {
    configurationManagementUrl: window.location.origin + '/ConfigurationManagement/#/',
    reportsUrl: window.location.origin + '/Reports',
    usersUrl: window.location.origin + '/Users',
    databaseUrl: window.location.origin + '/ConfigurationManagement/#/',
    dashboardUrl: window.location.origin + '/Dashboard/',
    eyeQueueUrl: window.location.origin + '/EyeQueue/home.aspx',
    launchpadUrl: window.location.origin + '/launchpad',
    systemManagementUrl: window.location.origin + '/SystemManagement/#/',
    licensingUrl: window.location.origin + '/licensing/#/',
    profileHelpUrlPrefix: 'https://insight.vhtcx.com/Callback/CX_Platform/',
    conversationBridgeUrl: 'https://conversationbridge.vhtcx.com/#/sign-in',
    helloUrl: 'http://helloapp.vhtcx.com'

  configApi: {
    // The base URL for the API (in production would include hostname and base path)
    endpoint: window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':8001'

  configTranslationAPI: {
    endpoint: window.location.origin + '/ConfigurationTranslationAPI'

  authApi: {
    // API endpoint for auth API (used for validating token)
    endpoint: window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':2800',
    // URL sign-out for EyeQueue
    signOutUrl: window.location.origin + '/EyeQueue/Logout.aspx',
    ttl: {hours: 12}

  basic: {
    // The name that shows in the header of the site
    brandName: 'Virtual Hold Technology',
    // URL for the launchpad
    launchpadUrl: window.location.origin + '/launchpad/#'

  managementApi: {
    // API endpoint for the System Management API
    endpoint: window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':8000',
    // How often to call out to the API and get new data
    pollingRate: { seconds: 5 }

  managementGatewayApi: {
    // API endpoint for the Management Gateway API
    endpoint: window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':8012',
    // How often to call out to the API and get new usage data
    pollingRate: { seconds: 3}

  iFrameUrls: {
    userSettingsUrl: window.location.origin + '/EyeQueue/UserSettings.aspx'

var uiCompCfg = require("./..\\bower_components\\ui-components\\scripts\\config\\dist");

module.exports = $.extend(true, uiCompCfg, {
  // additional production-only config can be added here


Section: launchpad

This section's settings build the navigation used in the Launchpad applications.
Configuration settingDescriptionConfiguration options
configurationManagementUrlURL for the Configuration Management UI.This URL is set based on the data provided during the Mindful Enterprise Callback installation process.
reportsUrlURL for the Reports UI.This URL is set based on the data provided during the Mindful Enterprise Callback installation process.
usersUrlURL for the Users UI.This URL is set based on the data provided during the Mindful Enterprise Callback installation process.
databaseUrlURL for the database.This URL is set based on the data provided during the Mindful Enterprise Callback installation process.
dashboardUrlURL for the Dashboards UI.This URL is set based on the data provided during the Mindful Enterprise Callback installation process.
eyeQueueUrlURL for the Configuration UI.This URL is set based on the data provided during the Mindful Enterprise Callback installation process.
launchpadUrlURL for the Launchpad UI.This URL is set based on the data provided during the Mindful Enterprise Callback installation process.
systemManagementUrlURL for the System Management UI.This URL is set based on the data provided during the Mindful Enterprise Callback installation process.
licensingUrlURL for Licensing UI.This URL is set based on the data provided during the Mindful Enterprise Callback installation process.
profileHelpUrlPrefixURL for the Profile Help UI.This URL is set based on the data provided during the Mindful Enterprise Callback installation process.
conversationBridgeUrlURL for the Conversation Bridge UI.This URL is set based on the data provided during the Mindful Enterprise Callback installation process.
helloUrlURL for the Hello! UI.This URL is set based on the data provided during the Mindful Enterprise Callback installation process.

Section: configApi

Configuration settingsDescriptionConfiguration options
endpointThe URL for the Configuration Management API, including the port number.This URL is set based on the data provided during the installation process.

Section: configurationTranslationAPI

Settings used by the new Configuration page and Smart Rules Engine.

Configuration settingsDescriptionConfiguration options
endpointThe URL for the ConfigurationTranslationAPI.This URL Is set based on the data provided during the installation process.

Section: authApi

Configuration settingsDescriptionConfiguration options
endpointThe URL for the Authorization API, including the port number.This URL is set based on the data provided during the installation process.
signInUrlThe redirect URL when a session times out.The URL is set based on the data provided during the installation process.
ttlTimeframe a logged in session will expire due to Inactivity.

Format: {timeframe:number}

Timeframe Options: days, hours, minutes, seconds

Default: {days: 30}

Section: basic

Configuration settingsDescriptionConfiguration options
brandNameCompany/organization name that displays in the top banner in Configuration Management.This is set based on the data provided during the installation process.
launchpadUrlThe URL for the Launchpad page.This is set based on the data provided during the installation process.

Section: managementApi

Settings used by the new Licensing Page. This API configures the LicenseServer.

Configuration settingsDescriptionConfiguration options
endpointThe URL for the managementGatewayAPI including the port number.The URL is set based on the data provided during the installation process.
pollingRateThe time interval, in seconds, at which the UI page is updated with new usage data from the API.Default is 3 seconds.

Section: iFrameUrls

Legacy EyeQueue pages use these settings to import pages into the new Configuration. The Configuration settings vary based on what application values you are using.