Survey types

The methods of surveying within Digital are based on proactive and passive feedback. Medallia recommends three strategic surveys for collecting both types of feedback. These surveys are incorporated into a unified view of a customer's online and offline experiences in Experience Cloud.


Always-on surveys allow customers to provide feedback at any time without being explicitly solicited. Medallia recommends placing the feedback button on the right-hand side of the webpage for access and visibility, as follows:

Always-on survey example.

General Intercept

General intercept surveys prompt customers to provide feedback at a specific moment in time while interacting with a website or mobile app. This survey drives a significant volume of feedback and is crucial in helping to understand the customer's experience in more details.

General Intercept survey example.

Behavioral Intercept

Behavioral intercept options include Abandonment, Post Transaction, and Other Activity-based surveys.

Abandonment Intercept

Abandonment intercept surveys are triggered when customer do not start processes or complete anticipated behavior. A common example is when a customer abandons a shopping cart.

Abandonment Intercept survey example.

Post Transaction Intercept

Post Transaction Intercept surveys are triggered after a purchase or service to allow for understanding of issues or strengths related to interactions. These surveys are based on site process flows.

Post Transaction Intercept survey example.

Other Activity-based Intercept

Other Activity-based Intercept surveys allow for specific segmentation targeting to better understand customer experiences.

Other Activity-based Intercept survey example.

Embedded surveys

Embedded surveys work similarly to other Digital web surveys. However, instead of displaying information in a dialog or a separate page, embedded surveys reside inside of a hosting HTML container element created on websites and allocated for this purpose.

See Embedded surveys for information on configuring and implementing embedded surveys.

Codebased triggers

Codebased triggers allow you to control functionality on webpages. You can use JavaScript code to show surveys when customers click specific menu items and buttons.

See Codebased triggers for information on configuring and implementing codebased triggers.