Callback upgrades fail due to protected font files

Issue dateAugust 14, 2017
Observed behaviorUpgrades of Callback to a version containing license enhancements cause failure of the upgrade due to license user interface fonts that cannot be overwritten. For reference, the licensing interface was introduced in version 8.3.0 and enhanced in versions 8.5.0 and 8.6.2
Products and versions affectedVHT Callback versions 8.3.0-8.8.5
Components affectedAll components using licensing
Applications affectedAll applications using liensing
Root causeThe upgrade process, to versions 8.3.0 or later, attempts to overwrite and register license user interface fonts that are protected (cannot be changed) and fais.
ResolutionThe upgrade process will be enhanced to skip the copying and registering of font files that already exist.
Expected availabilityCallback 8.8.6

To make license fonts accessible (unprotected), perform the following steps before executing the upgrade process:

  1. Delete all registry keys within the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts area that reference a Virtual Hold directory.
  2. Restart the server.
Defects related to this issue150021692Upgrade issues with font files.