Queue Manager restarts when AgentGroups configured to collect statistics

Issue date June 5, 2020
Observed behavior Queue Manager unexpectedly restarts when several AgentGroups are configured in TIAL Avaya TSAPI environments. Other environments could also experience a restart as well.
Products and versions affected Mindful Enterprise Callback 9.0
Components affected cti_connector_host
Applications affected Queue Manager
Severity Major
Root cause Multiple TIAL commands simultaneously being sent from Queue Manager to the cti_connector_host cause the host to read in memory for the wrong request; it recognizes this immediately and shuts down and shuts down Queue Manager. This can happen when several (seen with 20+) Agent Groups are configured for Queue Manager to collect real time statistics in a TIAL Avaya TSAPI environment. After a review of the codebase, it has been determined that there is a possibility of this happening for all TIAL integrations under different circumstances, however it has not been observed in our load testing prior to release.
Resolution The hotfix allows commands to be processed one at a time instead of being sent before the other one is completely processed.Additional details on the available hotfix can be found in the VHT Callback 9.0.1 hotfixdocumentation.
Expected availability Enterprise Callback 9.0.1, released June 12, 2020.
Workarounds If AgentGroups are configured for real time statistics, use the RTAgentGroups instead and configure the Real-Time Adapter to collect statistics.
Defects related to this issue 173069417 Make TIAL commands thread safe