License Server will not start when only TLS 1.2 is enabled

Issue dateOctober 7, 2019
Observed behaviorLicense Server will not start when only Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 is enabled.
Products and versions affectedVirtual Hold Callback version 8.12.0-8.12.1
Components affected
  • License Server
  • Core Monitor
Applications affectedQueueManager
Root causeThe Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver used by Erlang is incompatible with the datatype nvarchar(max) when configured for TLS 1.2. When querying the database, Erlang returns empty strings for nvarchar(max) fields, causing exceptions. These exceptions cause License Server to restart during startup.
ResolutionUpgrade to Callback version 8.12.2 or later
Expected availabilityVHT Callbackversion 8.12.2
WorkaroundsEnable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 on Core servers.
Defects related to this issue168700316Update nvarchar(max) to nvarchar(4000) in tables that are queried with Erlang. It is a limitation of Erlang with TLS 1.2 enabled