Mishandling of simultaneous dialing of callbacks in Outbound IVR systems

Issue date February 22, 2018
Observed behavior In Callback systems using Outbound IVR, callbacks are dialed later than quoted or are marked as being unanswered and not dialed at all. This happens every time the Outbound IVR tries to dial multiple callbacks simultaneously.
Products and versions affected Callback version 7.6.32 and 7.6.33
Components affected Outbound IV
Applications affected QueueManager
Severity Major
Root cause The Outbound IVR is using only one thread to dial all callbacks. As soon as the Outbound IVR tries to simultaneously dial two or more callback requests, callback performance is degraded as Callback tries to dial the outbound calls in the received order. As processing delays increase, some outbound calls time out and the corresponding calls are marked as unanswered when the configured retry threshold is exceeded.
Resolution Upgrade to Callback version 7.6.34 or later
Expected availability Callback 7.6.34
Workarounds None
Defects related to this issue 155209556 Callbacks are marked as no answer because IVR does not process MakeCall requests it received from QueueManager in the allotted time.