Agent Priority in the Configuration UI

Use the Configuration application in the Launchpad to create and associate segments with their IVR groups, and to enable Agent Priority for a queue.

Configuring segments for Agent Priority

Associate incoming extensions to their IVR group.Access Configuration from the Launchpad.

  • Navigate to Queues > Add new segment.
  • Select the queue from the dropdown that the segment will be associated with.
  • Click Create new to create a new segment.


  • Select an existing segment to duplicate.
  • Complete the fields on the Create New Extension modal using the following table:
SettingDescriptionSample value
SettingDescriptionSample value
ExtensionIncoming extension that corresponds to the Genesys Virtual Queue Name created for VHT_Treatment subroutine.VHT_TestAgentAssist
Holding Queue IDIdentifies what extension incoming choose hold calls route to.HoldingQueue
Callback Queue IDIdentifies what extension incoming calls route to.CallbackQueue
Under Threshold Queue IDIdentifies what extension incoming under threshold calls route to.UnderThresholdQueue
Extension LabelDefines the incoming extension.AgentPriority
Treatment TypeTreatment type for the incoming extension.20
Country CodeCountry code dialing string used when making callbacks for this Extension ID.1
Voice ScriptScript number associated with each extension ID.1
IBIVR Extension GroupIdentifies the group of inbound IVR ports to use for every call that comes in on this incoming application.None
OBIVR Extension GroupIdentifies the group of outbound IVR ports to use when placing an outbound call on this incoming application.None
IVR Group

References the IVR servers to use for the incoming extension.

  • For OCC - Enter the name of the OCC IVR server
  • For the outbound IVR - Enter the name of the outbound IVR serer.

Agent Priority is configured on the queue level, so all incoming extensions which target these queues must be configured with the OCC IVR ID.

  • IVR
  • IVG
  • Click Add to add the segment.
  • Repeat Steps 1-7 for each incoming extension.
  • Click Save changes to save your changes.

Verifying the incoming extensions in the database

  • Locate the IncomingExtensions table in the VHT database.
  • Verify the extensions for OCC correspond to the IVRGroup IVG.
  • Verify the extensions for the outbound IVR belong to the IVRGroup IVR.

Configuring queues for Agent Priority

  • Access Configuration from the Launchpad.
  • Select a queue from the Queue dropdown.
  • Navigate to Callflow > Treatment.
  • Set the Queue Mode value to Agent Priority.
  • Click Save Changes.
  • Repeat Steps 1-5 for each additional Agent Priority queue.

Enabling call data feed

Enable the Call Data Feed fo OCC to provide messages to the Interaction Service.

  • Access Configuration from the Launchpad.
  • Select the Agent Priority queue from the Queue dropdown.
  • Navigate to System Settings > Call Reporting.
  • Toggle the Enable call data feed to ON.
  • Click Save Changes.
  • Repeat Steps 1-5 for each additional Agent Priority queue.