Installing Agent Priority with IVG

Agent Priority is also enabled in Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) by provisioning the application during IVG installation.

To provision Agent Priority during IVG installation:

  1. Application provisioning screen: Provision the deployment for Agent Priority
    • Enable the Agent Priority checkbox
    • Enter the deployment site name in the Tenant field.
  2. CTI Event Consumer screen: Identify the servers for RabbitMQ connectivity.
FieldDescriptionDefault value
Server Name Type

Select the server name from the list:

  • FQDN
  • IP Address
Core Server 1Enter the first Core server name. Enter in the format designated in Server Name Type.N/A
Core Server 2Enter the second Core server name. Enter in the format designated in Server Name Type.N/A
Install PathInstallation location of the consumer application consumer.cfg file./export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer


You must use the same Server Name Type that is used for the OCC outdial_url field found in the Peripheral Monitor site.config file (install path\Virtual Hold Technology\Peripheral Monitor\site.config).

For example, if OCC uses the FQDN, then CTI Event Consumer must use FQDN as well.

  1. The information from the CTI event consumer application screen is entered in the cti_event_consumer section of the install_ivg.cfg file. The RabbitMQ credentials are also added, and can be modified prior to installing IVG.
FieldDescriptionDefault Value
rabbitmq_usernameRabbitMQ username.user

RabbitMQ password.

All passwords are encrypted in the configuration file.

rabbitmq_connection_retry_periodInterval period in milliseconds the CTI Connector attempts to reconnect to RabbitMQ if a connection is lost.2000