Installing Agent Priority with IVG
Agent Priority is also enabled in Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) by provisioning the application during IVG installation.
To provision Agent Priority during IVG installation:
- Application provisioning screen: Provision the deployment for Agent Priority
- Enable the Agent Priority checkbox
- Enter the deployment site name in the Tenant field.
- CTI Event Consumer screen: Identify the servers for RabbitMQ connectivity.
Field | Description | Default value |
Server Name Type | Select the server name from the list:
| FQDN |
Core Server 1 | Enter the first Core server name. Enter in the format designated in Server Name Type. | N/A |
Core Server 2 | Enter the second Core server name. Enter in the format designated in Server Name Type. | N/A |
Install Path | Installation location of the consumer application consumer.cfg file. | /export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer |
You must use the same Server Name Type that is used for the OCC outdial_url field found in the Peripheral Monitor site.config file (install path\Virtual Hold Technology\Peripheral Monitor\site.config).
For example, if OCC uses the FQDN, then CTI Event Consumer must use FQDN as well.
- The information from the CTI event consumer application screen is entered in the cti_event_consumer section of the install_ivg.cfg file. The RabbitMQ credentials are also added, and can be modified prior to installing IVG.
Field | Description | Default Value |
rabbitmq_username | RabbitMQ username. | user |
rabbitmq_password | RabbitMQ password. All passwords are encrypted in the configuration file. | password |
rabbitmq_connection_retry_period | Interval period in milliseconds the CTI Connector attempts to reconnect to RabbitMQ if a connection is lost. | 2000 |