Installing Agent Priority

The VHT Callback installer installs Agent Priority. Enabling the Agent Priority checkbox on the OCC setup screen installs Agent Priority in the solution.json file, and adds the Agent Priority parameters to the OCC site.config file.

Installing Agent Priority Avaya

  • OCC setup - IVG Avaya screen: Configure IVG Avaya
FieldDescriptionExample Value
Out Dial URLSet to match the IVG - Call Control Interaction Service (CCIS) web service URL.
Disposition URLDisposition URL passed to IVR platforms in HTTP callback requests.http:/
SIP ProxyIP Address appended to callback phone numbers for outbound dialing through a SIP proxy.
Call Control Interaction ServerThe URI of the CCXML application to execute in the new call session.
  • OCC setup - IVG Avaya screen: Continue configuring IVG Avaya.
FieldDescriptionExample Value
ANISet to the phone number displayed to callback recipients.8005678309
Node Id

Used in the creation of an Avaya UCID for the outbound call through the associated IVG device.

The Node-ID needs to be unique per IVG device.

Failure Destination *Set to match the TransferDevice in the HoldingQueues or CallbackQueues table in the VHT_Config database. Outbound calls are sent to this destination upon failure of the voice application.sip:56127@
Answering Machine Detection

Select checkbox to enable answering machine detection for callbacks.

Clear checkbox to disable answering machine detection for callbacks.

Agent PrioritySelect checkbox to enable Agent Priority. Enabled
  • Complete the rest of the VHT Callback installation process.

Installing Agent Priority Cisco

  • OCC setup - IVG Cisco screen: Configure IVG Cisco
FieldDescriptionExample Value
Out Dial URLSet to match the IVG - Call Control Interaction Service (CCIS) web service URL.
Disposition URLDisposition URL passed to IVR platforms in HTTP callback requests.http:/
SIP ProxyIP Address appended to callback phone numbers for outbound dialing through a SIP proxy.
Call Control Interaction ServerThe URI of the CCXML application to execute in the new call session.
  • OCC setup - IVG Cisco screen: Continue configuring IVG Cisco.
FieldDescriptionExample Value
ANISet to the phone number displayed to callback recipients.8005678309
Failure Destination *Set to match the TransferDevice in the HoldingQueues or CallbackQueues table in the VHT_Config database. Outbound calls are sent to this destination upon failure of the voice application.sip:56127@
Answering Machine Detection

Select checkbox to enable answering machine detection for callbacks.

Clear checkbox to disable answering machine detection for callbacks.

Agent PrioritySelect checkbox to enable Agent Priority. Enabled
  • Complete the rest of the VHT Callback installation process.

Installing Agent Priority Genesys

  • OCC setup - IVG Cisco screen: Configure IVG Cisco
FieldDescriptionExample Value
Out Dial URLSet to match the IVG - Call Control Interaction Service (CCIS) web service URL.
Disposition URLDisposition URL passed to IVR platforms in HTTP callback requests.http:/
SIP ProxyIP Address appended to callback phone numbers for outbound dialing through a SIP proxy.
Call Control Interaction ServerThe URI of the CCXML application to execute in the new call session.
  • OCC setup - IVG Cisco screen: Continue configuring IVG Cisco.
FieldDescriptionExample Value
ANISet to the phone number displayed to callback recipients.8005678309
Failure Destination *Set to match the TransferDevice in the HoldingQueues or CallbackQueues table in the VHT_Config database. Outbound calls are sent to this destination upon failure of the voice application.sip:56127@
Answering Machine Detection

Select checkbox to enable answering machine detection for callbacks.

Clear checkbox to disable answering machine detection for callbacks.

Agent PrioritySelect checkbox to enable Agent Priority. Enabled
  • Complete the rest of the VHT Callback installation process.