Interaction Service log statements

Agent Priority logs are located by default at C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\VHLogs\Logs. The Agent Priority logs folder contains the log statements for the application.

Interaction Service log statements

The Interaction Service log statements log the message exchanges between RabbitMQ and Interaction Service.

  • Low level log statements
EventLog statement
Interaction Service is starting.Starting
Interaction Service started.Started
Interaction Service is stopping.Stopping
Interaction Service has stopped.Stopped
An error occurred during Interaction Service startup.Unable to start.
An error occurred during Interaction Service startup, and startup is retrying.Retrying startup.
The routing key is truncated when greater than 255 characters.Routing key truncated to 255 characters {key}
  • Exception level log statements
EventLog statement
Messages are being received faster than they can be processed.[name] message queue has been full for [time] seconds
Interaction Service cannot connect to RabbitMQ to receive or send events.Failing to connect to RabbitMQ
Could not parse the call data from the Interaction Event JSON file.Failed to parse call data from interaction event file
Could not read or access the Interaction Event JSON fileException loading InteractionEvent file
Interaction Event file contained an invalid JSON file.Error reading interaction event file [fileName], this event will be disabled.
Template string in Interaction Event JSON was invalidException trying to parse data format
Configuration file could not be foundUnable to find config file
Configuration file was not accessibleUnable to setup configuration file
InteractionEvents directory is not in the InteractionService folder so no events can be loadedCould not locate InteractionEvents directory
An error occurred loading the InteractionEvents filesError reading InteractionEvents files
Service has an error on startupUnable to start service
Couldn't connect to receive events, or lost connectionError consuming queue
Couldn't connect to receive events, or lost connectionUnable to connect to incoming queue
Either or both event publishing exchanges are not availablePublish Service is not connected.
  • Full level log statements
EventLog statement
InteractionEvent JSON file configuration has been loaded.Successfully loaded InteractionEvent from [file name]
  • Warning level log statements
EventLog statement
InteractionEvent JSON file configuration had an issue and has not been loaded.Could not load InteractionEvent from [file name]
We have received events faster than we can process them, but not (yet) for a sustained period. Message queue full
Connection to RabbitMQ failed for the topic output exchangeUnable to connect to topic exchange
Connection to RabbitMQ failed for the direct output exchangeUnable to connect to direct exchange
We were unable to publish event messageFailed to publish message [body] to routing key [routingKey]
Interaction Event JSON validation failureField: [error.Field], message: [error.Message]
  • Medium level log statements
EventLog statement
All data for the interaction has been removed when the call is deleted from QM.Expired call [callId] removed from data store
We have loaded details for the interaction ready to send an eventGot interaction with name [name] and event name [event name]
  • Super level log statements
EventLog level
Preparing to send an event message.About to use key [routingKey] to publish message [body]
  • Debug level log statements
EventLog level
We successfully parsed a template string from an Interaction Event JSON file.Successfully compiled call data for [value]