Configuring Avaya UUI routing for Agent Priority

Configuring Avaya UUI in Configuration

The Call Type Indicator - Agent Priority setting specifies a string that writes in the UUI field for an Agent Priority call. The default value is set to 4.

Existing call type indicators may need to be updated if previously configured to use 4.

  1. Access Configuration from the Launchpad.
  2. Select a queue from the Queue dropdown.
  3. Navigate to Telephony > Avaya UUI
  4. Update existing call type indicators that previously used 4.
  5. Repeat Steps 1-4 for each Agent Priority queue.
  6. Perform a restart for the changes to take effect.

Configuring the UUI call vector

If using Agent Priority with Avaya UUI routing, modify the call vector to look for the Call Type Indicator - Agent Priority. Add a goto step in the call vectoring to treat the call for Agent Priority and queue to high priority.

  1. Open the UUI vector.
  2. Add a goto step to send the call to the high priority queue.
  3. Add an if variable to check if the UUI character is equal to the Call Type Indicator - Agent Priority UUI character.
  4. Repeat Steps 1- 3 for each VDN associated with an Agent Priority queue.