(9.0+) Messaging

image of messaging settings

Offer Message

  • The first message sent to customers to begin new messaging interactions.

  • This value can contain up to 4,000 characters.

  • If the value exceeds the 160-character limit for SMS, it will be split among several consecutive messages.
  • This field is required. Changes cannot be saved if this field is blank.

Valid: String up to 4,000 characters

Default: "This is the message you requested"


  • Handles must be defined and assigned to teams on the Messaging platform.

Valid: Any handle configured on the Messaging platform for your organization

Default: N/A


  • Assigns tags to differentiate messaging conversations

  • Tags must be defined on the Messaging platform.

Valid: Any tags configured on the Messaging platform for your organization

Default: N/A

Override Country Code

  • Sets a country code to prepend before a customer's phone number for outbound messages.

This value is not needed if the Callback segment already uses a valid country code for the customers' region.

Valid: Any country code

Default: N/A

The OverrideCountryCode specifies a country code to dial before the customer's phone number when sending outbound messages.

The CountryCode variable for On-Premise Callback segments can assign specific dial patterns, such as prefixes and suffixes, to use for each segment's outbound voice calls. Some On-Premise Callback users assign CountryCodes to segments for internal routing purposes. In these cases, the segment's CountryCode may not be valid to use when sending outbound messages.

For example, the CountryCode to dial for the United States is "1". If a segment is using a CountryCode other than "1", then outbound messages to a customer in the United States would fail. In this case, you can use an OverrideCountryCode of "1" for outbound messages.