(9.0+) Invalid Responses

Set limits for the amount of mistakes a caller can make when requesting a callback.

Offering a Callback

Customize number of invalid responses a customer can provide while in Inbound IVR.

Maximum Main Menu Repeats

Sets the maximum number of times 'nothing' can be entered in the Main Menu before being transferred to queue.

Only in Normal or Virtual Queue mode.


  • Valid: 0 - 999

  • Default: 2

Maximum Invalid Main Menu Entries

Sets the maximum number of invalid attempts allowed when selecting an option in the Main Menu.

Only in Normal or Virtual Queue mode


  • Valid: 0 - 999

  • Default: 2

Maximum Invalid Further Option Entries

Sets the maximum number of invalid attempts allowed when in the More Options Menu.

Only presented in Normal and Virtual Queue mode.


  • Valid: 0 - 999

  • Default: 2

Maximum Invalid Description Menu Entries

Sets the maximum number of invalid attempts allowed when making a selection after hearing a description of a callback.

Only in Normal and Virtual Queue mode.


  • Valid: 0 - 999

  • Default: 2

Phone Number Re-Enter Limit

Sets the maximum number of times that a phone number can be re-entered.


  • Valid: 0 - 999

  • Default: 3

Maximum Invalid Callback Number

Sets the maximum number of invalid attempts allowed when inputting the callback number.


  • Valid: 0 - 999

  • Default: 4

Maximum Invalid Confirm Callback Number

Sets the maximum number of invalid attempts allowed when confirming the callback number.


  • Valid: 0 - 999

  • Default: 2

Maximum Invalid Callback Double Check Entries

Sets the maximum number of invalid attempts when the system is prompting the caller for response once the Callback Double Check (ASAP Callbacks) feature has been invoked.


  • Valid: 0 - 999

  • Default: 2

Making a Callback

Customize number of invalid responses a customer can provide while scheduling a callback.

Maximum Hailing Repeat (General)

Sets the maximum number of times the system cycles through the hailing prompts before disconnecting and retrying according to Call Flow > Retry Attempts.


  • Valid: 0 - 999

  • Default: 6

  • This setting takes effect after caller presses 2 for more time when receiving a callback.

  • With normal prompting, 6 times equals about 2 minutes.

Maximum Hailing Repeat (Answering Machine)

Sets the maximum number of invalid attempts or no responses on an outbound connection to an answering machine before disconnecting.


  • Valid: 0 - 999

  • Default: 1

Maximum Hailing Invalid Response (General)

Sets the maximum number of invalid attempts allowed when listening to the Hail Menu before disconnecting the call.


  • Valid: 0 - 999

  • Default: 2

Maximum Invalid DateBook Menu Entries

Sets the maximum number of invalid entries allowed when listening to the DateBook menu.

Exceeding this value when in different modes results in different actions:

  • When using Normal mode calls transfer to queue.
  • When using DateBook or AfterHours in Call Flow > Treatment > Operation Mode calls disconnect.
  • If Scheduled Callbacks in Virtual Queue Mode is ON, calls disconnect.
  • During rescheduling process, results in being disconnected and recalled based on the retry settings.


  • Valid: 0 -999

  • Default: 2

Maximum "Further Menu" when Scheduling

Sets the maximum number of times that a caller can choose to return to the Options Menu after choosing a Scheduled Callback.


  • Valid: 0 - 999

  • Default: 2

Maximum Invalid Day

Sets the maximum number of invalid attempts allowed when choosing the day of the week.


  • Valid: 0 - 999

  • Default: 2

Maximum Invalid Time

Sets the maximum number of invalid time entries allowed (i.e. 25:80).


Maximum Invalid AM / PM Choice

Sets the maximum number of invalid attempts allowed for the caller to choose AM or PM.


Maximum Invalid Scheduling Confirmations

Sets the maximum number of invalid attempts allowed when being asked to confirm a Scheduled Callback time.


Maximum Invalid After Hours Menu Entries

Sets the maximum number of invalid attempts allowed when in the After Hours Menu.
