(9.0+) Activate Queues or Segments
Before activating queues and segments, review the Summary of the Change Group information.
Verify or edit the information.
Activate the Change Group to add the queues and segments to the system.
Sample Summary screen containing queues:
Sample Summary screen containing segments:
A change group may contain only queues or only segments. Activate queues before adding and activating segments
Viewing and Editing in the Change Group
- Click a heading to expand it. Click again to collapse.
- Click Edit Queues to open it in the Add a Queue page to make changes.
- Click Edit Segments to open it in the Add a Segment page to make changes.
Changing the Change Group name
- Click next to the change group name.
- Type the new change group name and click Change Name.
Deleting a Change Group
- Click in the page footer.
- Click Yes to confirm.
Need to delete an existing queue?
Queues and segments must be deleted directly from the database.
Activating in the Change Group Edit section
- Click Activate to add the new queues or segments to the Callback system.
You may see a spinner graphic on the screen, usually when activating new queues.
Do NOT refresh the page until processing is complete and the spinner disappears. This may take a few minutes.
- The Activation Summary and results message appears on the screen.
- Click Summary Details to view detailed information on the activation results, including any errors.
Sample successful activation:
Sample partial activation:
Sample failed activation:
- If the change group was successfully activated, the queues or segments are added to the Callback system. The change group is removed.
- If the change group could not be completely activated, click Reactivate to try to activate it again.
Partial or failed activation is rare.
If a partial activation occurs, do not use any of the new queues or segments until you Reactivate and receive a fully successful activation.
Viewing New Queues in Configuration
To see a newly-created queue in Configuration, manually Refresh the list of queues.
- Click the current queue name at the top right.
- In the Queue Search dialog box, click Refresh.
The list may take a few minutes to refresh, depending on the number of queues that were added.