(9.0+) Add a New Segment (Incoming Extension)
Add a new incoming extension to a queue without requiring a restart of the Callback system.
Before starting
Add incoming extension is for ALL integrations:
- Aspect
- Avaya
- Cisco UCCE_ICM
- Cisco UCCX
- Genesys
- Genesys PureConnect
For other systems, refer to Add a New Segment (Incoming Application).
There are two ways to create a new segment:
- Duplicate an existing segment then editing the values.
- Create a completely new segment.
After entering the segment, activate it in the system. The segment is considered "pending" until activated.
Creating a Segment (Incoming Extension)
- Navigate to Configuration > Queues >Add New Segment. Select the queue that will contain the segment.
- Search for a queue by name or ID, or expand the search bar to show existing queues.
- Click the Extension for each incoming extension to expand its fields. Click again to collapse.
- Click Expand All to display all fields for all segments. Click Collapse All to hide.
- Click dup_button_82.png in the segment name field to duplicate these settings.
- Click Create New to begin a segment with blank fields.
- Enter the fields as follows. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Setting | Description and Valid Values |
AES Server Alias/T-Server | The AES switch name or T-Server switch name, if applicable. Select 'None' if this is a non-CTI extension (for example, if your solution uses the Platform ToolKit for CTI, or if you use Genesys URS with attached data determining the transfer devices). If no switch is used for the incoming extension, the list will not display. AES Server Alias is equivalent to the VHServerId in the AESAvayaCTIConfig database table. Each AES Server Alias corresponds to an Avaya TSAPI connection that Callback uses for CTI. |
Extension* | The incoming extension, or Entry DN.
The AES Server/T-Server switch name + ":" + Extension will serve as the label for the extension in Configuration (for example, VHAES01:45301). |
Holding Queue ID* |
Callback Queue ID* |
Under Threshold Queue ID* |
Extension Label | A string used to describe the incoming extension, limited to 15 characters. It is used to help Callback administrators distinguish between the different extensions, and it only appears in the Incoming Extensions section. |
Treatment Type* | This value controls whether the incoming extension will actually receive the callback option. The advantage of designating incoming extensions as "untreated" is to restrict the callback option while retaining an active count of these calls for accurate calculation of EWT. The following entries are valid:
Additional configuration is required to use UUI-based routing. Refer to Telephony > Avaya UUI for more details.
An Outreach segment (RCL) must be Treatment Type 20 in order to function properly. |
Country Code* | The Country Code dialing string to use when making callbacks for this Extension ID. |
Voice Script | This value defines the Script Number associated with each Extension ID, limited to 10 characters. This is useful for assigning different Script Numbers to different Incoming Extensions in the same queue.
IBIVR Extension Group | Use this field if IVR Extension Groups were created. Specifies the group of inbound IVR ports to use for every call that comes in on this incoming application. |
OBIVR Extension Group | Use this field if IVR Extension Groups were created. Specifies the group of outbound IVR ports to use when placing an outbound call for every call that comes in on this incoming application. |
IVR Group* | This value references the IVR Servers to use for this incoming extension. |
- If your environment uses the VXML Interaction Server (VIS), to the right of the Segment Variables heading, click Select. Select a field from the pop-up list to add it to the screen, or click Add All to add all four fields to the screen.
Edit your selected VIS-related fields as follows:
Setting | Description and Valid Values |
Language | Enter the language to be used by this segment: Dutch, English, FrenchCanadian, SpanishNA, or MandarinChinese. Matching entries will display as you type. See Language in Segments > VIS. |
Route Destination | Enter the Route Destination Value, which can be in any form; e.g., sip:xxx@y.y.y.y or zzzz or tel:qqqq. Use this field to configure RouteDestination so Queue Manager will respond with this destination, andthen the Switch will route the calls to the same destination. This value can be up to 100 characters long. Alphanumeric characters are valid along with the following special characters: @ . # _ : - Route Destination is required when using Treatment Type 11 or 12. |
Custom Media | Enter the directory name from the media server containing customized voice prompts for this brand. The voice files contained in this directory will be played by the IVR in place of the standard voice prompts. This value can be up to 100 characters long. If the Custom Media value is blank or is not a valid folder name, the VXML Interaction Server will use the files from the Default folder for the specified language. If the Language value is blank or is not a valid language name, the VXML Interaction Server will use the files from the Default folder for English. |
- Click Add to save the new incoming extension segment settings.
- Click Save Changes to save your pending changes. A new change group is created to hold your segments until they are activated. Enter a name for your change group, then click Change Name.
A change group may contain queues or segments, but not a mixture of both. If you want to add a new queue and new segments to that queue, you must enter the new queue first and activate it. Then, enter the new segments and activate those.
- Repeat these steps to add additional segments to your change group.
- Select Save & Review to see all activate the saved pending queues. Review and edit or activate.
Once a segment is activated it cannot be edited or deleted. Edit changes from the segment level or from the Save & Review option.
Deleting or Removing a Pending Segment
To remove a pending segment from the change group, expand the segment name field.
Click Remove at the bottom left and Yes to confirm.
Click Save Changes to finalize the change.
Once you save and review, you see options to delete, Edit Segments or Activate.
The last remaining segment in a change group cannot be removed. Delete the entire change group using Activate Queues and Segments > Delete a Change Group.
Activating Pending Segments
When you are ready to review and activate the pending segments in the change group, click Save & Review.
Creating a New Holding or Under Threshold Queue
Setting | Description and Valid Values |
Route Device (Holding Queue and Under Threshold Queue only) |
Transfer Device |