(9.0+) Add New Queue

  • A group of pending queues or segments is called a change group.
  • A change group may contain only queues or only segments.
  • Activate queues before adding and activating segments.

Select a Queue to Copy

  • Navigate to Configuration > Queues >Add New Queue.
  • Click Select or search for a queue to copy or type a queue name or ID.
  • Click Copy next to that queue in the list.


  • Click View to see the settings. Click Use & Copy on the Viewing Queue screen.

Add a queue dialog

All queue variables are copied from the existing queue to the duplicate queue. Refer to the Configuration User Guide for more information about each configurable setting.

To choose a different queue for duplicating, click in the Select or Search for a Queue field and copy the desired queue. The queue variables from the queue you choose will then replace any changes made before saving.

image of the add a queue form

  • Change the values for the queue variables as needed.

Call behavior

SettingDescriptionFunction or Values
Operation ModeSets the behavior of the Callback system using the following modes: Default: Shutdown


  • The Callback system handles calls in the Holding Queue alone until the EWT is greater than the Turn On Threshold setting.
  • EWT can be announced, and callers given the option:
    • to be called back, ASAP Callback option.
    • to continue to wait on hold.

    • to schedule a callback at a later time/date, Scheduled Callback option.

  • Use during business hours. Set as a Scheduled Operation Mode coinciding with Business Open, found in Schedules > Operation Schedules
  • Offer Callbacks
  • Dial Callbacks
Queue Speak:
  • The Callback system announces EWT when a call is above the Turn On Threshold setting then transfers to Holding Queue.
  • Announce EWT below Turn on Threshold using In QueueSpeak Mode - Under Threshold setting in Voice Experience > EWT Placement.
  • The system continues to make callbacks. Calls are handled in the order they were received.
  • Does not offer callbacks.
  • Use this mode to enhance Holding Queue by announcing EWT when callbacks are not going to be offered.
  • Dial Callbacks
  • Announce EWT
  • Offer Hold


  • The Callback system does not greet any new calls.
  • All new calls go to the Holding Queue.
  • The system continues to make callbacks. Calls are handled in the order they were received.
  • The handling of scheduled callbacks and calls in retry logic are not affected.
  • Empties the Virtual Queue so callbacks are not made after Business Close.
  • Use this mode as the end of the business day approaches or use the Smart Purge feature to do this automatically. See Smart Operation Mode for more information.
  • Dial Callbacks
  • Offer Hold
Rapid Purge:
  • The Callback system does not greet any new calls.
  • All new calls go to the Holding Queue.
  • All ASAP Callbacks in the Virtual Queue are immediately called back until there are none remaining.
  • The handling of scheduled callbacks and calls in retry logic are not affected.
  • Existing callers in the Holding Queue continue to hold until the Virtual Queue is empty.
  • Calls are not handled in the order which they were received.
  • Use this mode when your business is going to close unexpectedly.
Dial Callbacks
  • Individual queues can be shutdown without shutting down the Callback system.
  • Calls are not answered and Callback is not monitoring.
  • The system can be accessed for administration.
  • All calls are handled only by the Holding Queue.
  • Real-time data is not available.
No Callbacks offered or made.
  • The Callback system does not greet, answer or track any calls.
  • All calls are routed to the Holding Queue.
  • Callback is monitoring the queue, but information is not recorded or reported.
  • Real-time data is available.
No Callbacks offered or made.
  • The Callback system greets callers and offers to schedule a callback.
  • Use this mode after normal business hours.
  • Option to hold is removed.
  • This option requires Enable Scheduled Callbacks in Voice Experience > Menu Options to be ON.
  • Benefit of AfterHours: enhanced customer experience by providing an alternative to calling back during business hours.
Offer Callbacks
Virtual Queue:
  • The Callback system allows calls to be handled by the Holding Queue alone, until the EWT is greater than the Turn On Threshold setting.
  • Speaks EWT before forcing into Virtual Queue.
  • The Callback system greets callers when the Turn On Threshold has been breached and offers the ASAP Callback option.
  • Scheduled Callback option is offered if Voice Experience > Menu Options > Scheduled Callback in Virtual Queue Mode is enabled.
  • Option to hold is removed.
  • Callers are added to the Virtual Queue and called back in the order they were received.
  • Use EWT for Smart Virtual Queue to do this automatically to prevent excessive calls in the Holding Queue.
  • Offer Callbacks
  • Dial Callbacks
  • The Callback system allows calls to be handled by the Holding Queue alone, until the EWT is greater than the Turn On Threshold setting.
  • The Callback system greets callers when the EWT is greater than the Turn On Threshold setting and offers the Scheduled Callback option.
  • Does not offer ASAP Callbacks.
  • Requires Enable Scheduled Callbacks in Voice Experience > Menu Options to be ON.
  • Option to hold is offered only when Voice Experience > Menu Options > Choose Hold in DateBook Mode is ON.
  • Offer Callbacks
  • Dial Callbacks
Turn-on ThresholdAmount of time the EWT must exceed before calls are offered any Callback treatment.Values: 00:00:00-23:59:59

Script Number

  • Determines the prompt directory to use for the specified queue.
  • Use this setting when all of the Incoming Extensions or Incoming Applications in the queue use the same script.
  • If your Incoming Extensions or Incoming Applications use different scripts, set the script number at the Incoming Extension or Incoming Application level.
  • If you use the same script for all of the Incoming Applications in the queue, do not use this field. Set the Script Number at the queue level instead.



Enable DatebookEnables scheduled callbacks (blanket setting).



ANI Playback Enabled
  • When ON, callers will hear the number they are calling from announced for receiving the callback. An option to enter another number is also given.
  • When OFF, callers are asked to enter a phone number.



Callback attempts

Busy AttemptsSets the maximum number of times an Outreach call can fail with the result of busy before being cleaned up and marked as an Outreach max busy.0-103
Try Again AttemptsThe maximum number of times an Outreach call can fail due to a result other than a busy signal, no answer or answering machine before being cleaned up and marked as a max try again.0-103
Answering Machine AttemptsSets the maximum number of times an Outreach call can fail with the result of Outreach answering machine before being cleaned up and marked as an Outreach max answering machine.0-103
No Answer AttemptsThe maximum number of times an Outreach call can fail with the result of no answer before being cleaned up and marked as an Outreach max no answer.0-103
Total AttemptsSets the maximum number of times an Outreach call can fail with a mixed result before it is cleaned up and marked as an Outreach - Max Total Attempts.0-105


Default Number of Agents Staffed
  • The number of agents that typically staff the contact center for the particular queue.
  • Set this to the weekly average of the number of agents normally logged in when the contact center opens.
  • Used in conjunction with Default Call Handle Time to determine PCWT samples in array.
Valid: 0 - 991
Default Call Handle Time
  • Theaverage length of time that a caller talks to an agent for the specified queue.
  • After calls have been completed, real data replaces this value in the array.
  • Use for calculation of the initial EWT.
  • Use with Default Number of AgentsStaffed settings to determine EWT.
Lower PercentageWhen using an EWT range, sets the lower boundary as a percentage below the base EWT.


(0 disables functionality)

Upper Percentage
  • Controls whether Callback speaks an EWT range to callers. Determines the upper value for the range.
  • Callback adds the indicated percentage to the EWT before speaking it (spoken value = EWT * (1 + (percentage / 100)). Example: If the EWT is 30 minutes and the Percentage is set to 50, the caller hears "Your estimated wait time is between X and 45 minutes."

0 - 99

(0 disables functionality)


Retry times

Busy PeriodSets the amount of time before the system will try again after failing to connect initially due to a busy signal.0-23:59:5900:01:00
No Answer PeriodSets the amount of time before the system will try again after the system hears ringing and no one answers. 0-23:59:5900:01:00
Try Again Period

Sets the amount of time before the system will try again after failing to connect initially due to a result other than:

  • busy signal
  • no answer

Callback Double Check:

  • Callback Double Check compares the phone number a caller enters for a callback to the current callback list to see if the same phone number already exists in the Virtual Queue. Callback Double Check uses this and other information to determine how to handle the request.
  • Refer to Call Flow Settingsfor more information on Callback Double Check.
    • Checks the Virtual Queue to find the phone number entered by the caller.
    • If found, the caller is considered a repeat caller.
    • Special messages and choices are given to the caller in order to enhance the experience.
    LocalLocal checks only the queue where the call is received.
    GlobalGlobal checks all of the queues monitored by Callback.

Smart Features queue variables:

  • Changes behavior of the Callback system when EWT extends beyond business hours. Allows the Virtual Queue to be emptied so callbacks are not made after the business day is over.

  • For every new call, the Smart Features setting compares the EWT to the amount of business time left in the day, as specified in Schedules > Operation Schedules.
  • If the EWT exceeds the amount of business time left in the day, Callback automatically uses the Operation Mode named.
  • Depending on your configuration, Callback might also play the EWT before routing the call to the specified location.
  • For more information on Smart Features, see Smart Operation Mode in Call Flow Settings.
    OffOff. Default setting
    PurgeRoutes calls directly to the specified location without playing the EWT. (see Smart Purge in Call Flow)
    Queue SpeakPlays EWT then routes the call to the specified location. (see Smart QueueSpeak in Call Flow)
    PurgeRoutes calls directly to the specified location without playing the EWT. (see Smart Purge in Call Flow)
  • Enter the name, ID, and optional group name for the first new queue, click Add to Pending.
    • Repeat this step as needed to add more queue names/IDs/groups.
    • Click for a list of all Pending Queues. If a long name, ID, or group is truncated, hover over it to see the full entry. To remove a pending queue, click Delete.

Callback uses this name to associate the queue-specific DNs, extensions, and settings with the queue.

  • Use a Queue Name that corresponds to the business queue, such as Sales or Billing.
  • Use 60 characters or fewer if possible, including alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z), underscores (_), hyphens (-), periods (.), commas (,), and blank spaces.
  • Queue Name can technically contain 255 characters, but only the first 60 characters will appear within Configuration.

Callback uses this unique identifier to associate the queue-specific DNs, extensions, and settings with the queue.

  • Use a Queue ID that corresponds to the business queue, such as Sales or Billing.
  • Use 60 characters or fewer if possible, including alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z), underscores (_), hyphens (-), periods (.), commas (,), and blank spaces.
  • Queue ID can technically contain 100 characters, but only the first 60 characters will appear within Configuration .
Group (optional)

A logical grouping of queues.

  • Queue Groups provide another filter when selecting rows to display in Reports, providing more finely tuned results.
  • Each queue can only belong to one Queue Group.
  • Queue Group names may be up to 255 characters long.
  • Click Save and Review.
  • Enter a name for this change group and click Change Name in the Please Enter a Name for Your Pending Changes screen.
  • The Summary screen displays.